Having completed my supernumerary flights, I was allocated a base in which to complete my 'line training', which is pretty much what it says it is, getting trained, on the line. This involved flying approximately 80 sectors with training captains who not only assessed and wrote reports on your performance based on each flight, but who also passed on various methods and techniques in which to improve general handling and knowledge of the 737-800 as well as being able to operate the aircraft operationally and commercially minded.
The base I was given was Bergamo (BGY), a city in the province of Lombardy, SE of Milan. I loved every minute of being based here as it made me learn fast, increase my operational proficiency and appreciate working in a different culture with people of all nationalities. BGY is one of the company's largest bases, with 15 aircraft allocated to it over the summer period and how the hours I built up and passenger loads proved that! The training once again was fantastic with all the captains being patient and supportive throughout all stages, helping me with any issues that I may have had and I can't thank them enough for that. The base roster pattern at BGY was 5/4, 5 days working and 4 days off, which meant I commuted home on my off days, which is what a lot of guys and girls do during training.

Having completed my line training in BGY, I was expecting to be allocated a new base, as me moving out would create new spaces for more training cadets coming in. So, the day came when I received the email, informing me that my new and permanent base would be Manchester (MAN)!
This was fantastic for me as not only is it commutable from home each day, but also it is a large scale international airport, it's busy, it's challenging with winds and weather and just a whole different ball game, compared to Bergamo.
So, bringing you up to date, I have now been based in Manchester for just over three weeks and will be working the last day of my 5 day week tomorrow on lates, flying to Beziers and Gerona. I absolutely love it and have flown with and got to know so many new and exciting individuals, been sandwiched on the approach by a 787 and an A380, not had to display my poor Italian language skills like I did in Bergamo and have been warmly welcomed by everyone.
I have flown to so many new, weird and wonderful places, some I didn't even know existed, flown some non-precision approaches into some varied airfields in poor weather, dealt with horrific thunder storms in BGY and have had a fantastic experience so far!
I have another line check coming up later this month on a flight down to Murcia and then I am in the sim towards the latter stages of August, so it is going to be a testing few weeks that's for sure! I better get my head back into the books and get myself refreshed on theory, after so much of the past few months have all been hands on learning...