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Monday, 10 October 2011

Last Few Days...

Saturday saw my first early start, 4am to be precise. However, it wasn't difficult getting myself out of bed, ready and sorted cause I knew I was getting up to fly and despite it still being dark outside, it was nice enough to walk around in a short sleeved shirt, which I still find amazing.

I back seated the first flight, watched what my flight partner did and the beauty of it is, I can learn from his mistakes and he can learn from mine when he back-seats my flights. This flight on saturday morning was just amazing though as we took off probably, five minutes before sunrise and honestly, I am not one for appreciating scenery, but the view and colours of the sky were sensational. Unfortunately I didn't have any camera with me to capture the sight so you'll just have to take my word for it!

My flight went really well and all the practicing checklists and familiarising myself with the aircraft and it's features really paid off! We flew through the checks and took off from runway three with a left hand downwind departure heading out over an area in Rainbow Valley called The Greenfields. We practiced straight and level flight, climbing turns and descents and then moved onto the effects of flaps. All really interesting and it was a great flight!

I spent most of the day by the pool and managed to fall asleep, much to the amusement of some of my course mates as there is now a picture of me, face down on a sun bed fast asleep. When they have early flights, I will get my own back!
I was also trying to recharge my batteries as on Saturday night, the course ahead of us 322, threw our (323) initiation party which was a wholehearted messy affair and don't really need to go into it. Loads of games, loads of beer and loads of dancing. A lot of people ended up fully clothed in the pool and I think it is safe to say everyone had an amazing time. Thank you to everyone on 322 for the time and money well spent on a great night!

Yesterday, I went with six other guys and one girl out to lake pleasant and hired a speed boat for water sports and a day just bobbing around in the sun. It was so, so cool and really did make me realise how relaxed I was! We had wake boarding,  water skiing and a big inflatable donut which caused quite a few laughs when people went flying off and head over heels into the water. The boat was also equipped with a pretty decent speaker system too, so flying across the water at 60mph listening to some music, was safe to say pretty awesome.

My next flight is tomorrow morning and I hope the conditions stay as perfect as last time, I'll keep this up to date with what I am doing over the next few days.


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