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Friday 18 February 2011

First Week Back After Test Ones

Well there goes another week. The heavy workload has started coming at a ridiculous pace and is needing a lot more hours of notice at night.

We have started gas turbine engines, so the big commercial high by-pass engines, turboprop etc and also started looking at autoflight (autopilot, autoland, autothrottle et al). All very interesting stuff, however, a lot to learn whilst retaining the past knowledge from before our first tests.

I forgot to mention that a week or so ago I obtained the role of class representative and have been carrying out a register each day, checking for class mail at reception and basically being a spokesperson for the class of AP321 as a whole, which may I add, I love. Within the mail this week were Bucks New University student cards, which means DISCOUNT! ;D

I am helping out on the skills assessment area of the school tomorrow at the open day and once again helping out during the presentations. I always look forward to the open days as they're great fun to answer everyones' questions and really help provide a deeper knowledge and understanding for potential future attendees of OAA. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

As for the above, it's been a fairly good week, the class were groggy to start on Monday after the week off however, thawed out a bit towards the middle of Tuesday!

Weekend plans:

Saturday: Open day then back home for ironing (yes, your eyes do not deceive you) and a night of Gas Turbines and Meteorology.

Sunday: Instruments, Human Performance and AC Electrics and an early night!!!

Speak soon

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