After passing my LST, it meant I could continue on to do my base training, which was to be flown out of East Midlands (EMA). Base training, for those that are unfamiliar with what that is, is demonstrating the competency to take off and land the aircraft a minimum of 6 times and generally just flying circuits at a certain aerodrome. I completed my base training out of EMA as planned on an empty 737-800 and it is safe to say, it's the most fun I have ever had, despite being elected to go first!
All of the course has now completed the base training and have hopped over to Dublin and collected the new IAA licence.
The next requirement was to complete 12 observation, supernumerary flights (SNYs) which I was able to complete out of Liverpool. This is in place, I'm guessing, to show someone who has come out of a type rating course, which is fully undertaken in a simulator, that you need to be flexible and commercial on the line as things don't always go to plan!
My roster showed 4 flights a day from Wednesday to Friday and the flights were:
Wednesday- Barcelona then Dublin
Thursday - Knock then Warsaw
Friday - Londonderry then Oslo
All the crews I completed these with were fantastic and let me take part in the operations as much as possible, such as the paperwork which, isn't covered during the type rating and also the real world ATC which, I haven't done since the IR at Oxford.
I am now waiting to start line training, which should last 2/3 months, flying passengers whilst being assessed. I am expecting a slight delay to start this however, as there is a slight backlog due to the quiet winter months and promotion within the company taking priority over us newbies. I hope to get going soon and I also hope that everyone who has been waiting to get going over the last few weeks, can get in the air as soon as possible and enjoy the busy summer schedule ahead.
I would also like to thank everyone on the course (FR1220) that I went through the type rating with as they were a fantastic group of people and I wish them all the success with their careers!