Good morning/afternoon/evening everybody!
I thought I would just give you a quick update on what has been going on over the past week or two.
Well I passed my PT2 with a score of 3, could have done better but, onwards and upwards and won't make the same mistakes again!
I have also said goodbye to Martha, my instructor, who has picked up some new students, who I am sure she will mould into fine young pilots very quickly indeed! She's taught me a lot and I am only thankful for everything she has done. My new instructor is awesome though, he's called Matt, drives an awesome looking Ford Mustang and has christened me 'TP'!
"You're Kettle right? From now on you'll be known as Teapot, is that ok TP?"
"I guess it's not the worst thing I have ever been called"
I can tell I have been very lucky with the instructors I have been given as they both have excellent records with students in the past, so it's nice to know I, or at least my parents, are getting their monies worth. I'll have Matt now until the end of my Goodyear phase, which is proposed to finish in approximately 24 days and what a 24 days that is going to be! He will be taking me through the hold procedures, which I have already started and also through the twin engine phase of flying all the way up to me leaving here.
A hold procedure looks like this:
Needs Rotating 90 Degrees Clockwise to be Read From Top to Bottom |
Here's my schedule for the remainder of my time out here:
I have 3 dual flights scheduled then PT3 on Saturday 21st January. I have already done 4 post PT3 flights, leaving only 7 duals to complete before my PT4. I also have to factor in my cross country qualifier which is 5 hours of navigation flying to Ryan and Chandler fields as well as any invoice time that I may have missed out on throughout the course of my single engine training. Once that is complete I will then move on to Seneca, the twin engine aircraft (as seen in the picture below). After 10 flights and 2 sim rides in it, it's CPL skills test time. Upon successful completion of the CPL skills test, I will be a professional pilot, get to fly back home and be awarded the two gold bar epaulettes and the all important wings. There is a lot to do in such a short space of time, but I prefer to be busy, as opposed to sitting around waiting to fly, watching awful American TV!
Take care and I'll speak soon